
On the anti-corruption mechanism of Ming Dynasty
Bachelor candidate:Huang Dingfei    Tutor:Liew Jien
Abstract:Strict laws punishing corruption official governance of the country is thinking of the early Ming, the most severe in the early Ming ancient, resolutely punish corrupt officials of the period, the growth of special road ZHU Yuan that he hated all the corrupt officials, and developed a series of lines dirty effective governance mechanism for the anti-corruption, bureaucra论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/tic corruption, Yuan and Ming to contain the atmosphere, creating a hundred years of honest Official. Corruption in our country also is becoming increasingly severe and serious threat to social stability, political survival and long-term development of our country, so the anti-corruption situation is urgent, but also to consolidate the results of three decades of building, construction of harmonious society must be addressed corruption, and the early Ming was a series of practice on the current anti-corruption, punish corrupt Government Officials still have reference.
Key words:Early Ming;Rectifying Officials;Anti-corruption ;Revelation
目  录
第1章 前言... 1

第2章 明初重典治吏、严法反贪的原因... 2

2.1 明初客观的政治经济形势所迫... 2

2.2 朱元璋个人的经历使然... 2

第3章 明初重典治吏、严法反贪的具体措施及效果... 5

3.1 仿《唐律》颁《大明律》辅之以《大诰》... 5

3.2 加强宣传教化,德治法治并举... 5

3.3 依律查处并重惩贪官污吏... 6

3.4 强化监督、赏罚分明... 7

3.5重视百姓的作用... 9

第四章 明初严法惩贪机制对今天的启示... 12

4.1当前我国行政腐败的总体情况... 12

4.2明初严法惩贪机制对今天的启示... 13

4.3 借鉴明初反贪治吏机制应注意的问题... 17

结  论... 18致  谢... 19参考文献... 20

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