Happy mardi gras facebook cover pics

you think ground hog day and boucherie day are the same holiday.

2:It wouldn't be Mardi Gras without Zulu. Nobody has more fun than Zulu.

3:As they had for decades, [brass bands] provided the music for the endless cycle of dances and parades in New Orleans, popularizing the startling fusion of influences and celebration that came to be hailed as the only original art form created in America. It would be hyperbole, if not false, to name jazz a child of Carnival; however the joyous license of the music owes more than passing acquaintance to the liberties of Mardi Gras and a population long-accustomed to dancing in the streets. - Mardi Gras: New Orleans, by Henri Schindler

4:It was easy enough for 15th and 16th century reformers to associate with pagan materialism and sensuality the boisterous games and bodily self-indulgence that developed in Carnival. From the 16th century onwards city and state authorities in both Catholic and Protestant areas sometimes found it useful to support the mistaken notion of pagan origins in their efforts to suppress the festival's disorderliness

5:Mardi Gras is in our soul,Happy mardi gras facebook cover pics

6:I've heard some people say we can't do it. But it's a very significant anniversary and I can't imagine it going unmarked without some kind of parade. It's in our soul to have Mardi Gras.

7:The New Orleans Police Department is probably better than any other organization in the U.S. at policing an event like this. I think it's because most of them grew up with Mardi Gras; they understand it because they've been attending since they were kids.

8:We've never done a coordinated music effort. Everything else we've done has been around a holiday - Halloween, Mardi Gras, half way to Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day.

9:It's not a giant thing, like graduation, Mardi Gras, Halloween or New Year's. We do get business from it. That's why we put stuff out; we don't skip it. It's our big thing for March.

10:Mardi Gras is going on in New Orleans. Actually it's scaled down quite a bit. Now when you throw a bead, women only flash one boob.

Happy mardi gras facebook cover pics
Happy mardi gras facebook cover pics

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