Feb 14 Valentines Day facebook cover

1:I love to go to Washington - if only to be near my money.

2:The most powerful symptom of love is a tenderness which becomes at times almost insupportable.

3:Sometimes its very hard to say I love you to someone because you are so afraid of losing him/her.

4:We need to teach the next generation of children from day one that they are responsible for their lives. Mankind's greatest gift, also its greatest curse, is that we have free choice. We can make our choices built from love or from fear.

5:Love will draw an elephant through a key-hole.,Feb 14 Valentines Day facebook cover

6:The good memories are kept in your mind the best are kept in your heart.

7:Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the Gods.

8:Trust is to human relationships what faith is to gospel living. It is the beginning place, the foundation upon which more can be built. Where trust is, love can flourish.

9:Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky.

10:Love is anterior to life, posterior to death, initial of creation, and the exponent of breath.

Feb 14 Valentines Day facebook cover
Feb 14 Valentines Day facebook cover

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